Puppy Head Start

Puppy Head Start Program

For Retrievers 4 months and older, lets get them on the right track

Let's get your working retriever started right. The Puppy Head Start program starts when your puppy is around 4 months of age (or when your vet says they are fully vaccinated). This is a precursor to the Basic Gun Dog Program.

We will show them all the m retrieving, live birds, dead birds, swimming retrieves, situated gun fire. All in a fun environment.

Our goal is to bring out their retrieving desire and love of it it before starting the basic gun dog program.

This program lasts about a month.

Contact us for more details.

Do you already own a puppy and want to work with them yourself until they are ready for the Basic Gun Dog Program? There is a lot you can be doing to help bring out your puppy's retrieving style and desire starting from the time he arrives home. Contact us and I will send you a "Raising a Working Retriever" article.